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Cinderella story

(IMAGE: This is from some previous time at movies, we had our own Private show!)

I have two things to tell about and instead of making one really long post, I shall probably make two (really long) post posted close together. First of all, I had a wonderful movie day with my Made of Honor last Monday! I have probably mentioned before, that she now lives in another city, about 2 hour car or train trip away from Jyväskylä. She is an amazing person.

I originally got to know her at a one year acting school here in Jyväskylä 2010. We were classmates, but at that year we didn´t really have that much interaction. She was still under aged (I think) and I was older and more antisocial. So after the acting year, we remained Facebook friends, but nothing else.

(IMAGE: We did two playes together, this is Katonkokoinen Tähtitaivas, directed by our own classmate.)

It was about a year later that I met her again in another acting part, this time it was an acting course we both had signed in. We both ended up quitting the course after 2-3 visits. But what was interesting, was, that at the time we met again at the course by accident, I was in desperate need of a new assistant for a camp trip and she was in desperate need of work. We decided to try to help each other. So she started to work as my personal assistant. And she learned so fast how to help to lift me. We said, that she kinda had to do a bootcamp, since she came to help me straight to a camping weekend, where the beds, buildings, toilets and outside grounds were not the easiest, un like at my home or at school. She became like a part of the whole camp group, since she also liked to participate in the action we did, like Dream maps (cut out images from old magazines and glue them on a A3 paper and write like 5 wishes/ plans to happen in 5-10 years..) and we did face painting etc. other camping fun.

(IMAGE: Taken at a photograph study course, expressing our work relationship.)

She continued as my assistant after that and worked mainly normal day shifts from 8am to 4pm. She started evening studies, so she had homework’s to do in the day time, when I didn´t need her and she got money to live and I got one of the best assistants to work for me for 3 years!

In 3 years we saw almost daily and sometimes even evenings or weekends and one summer we even were

in a summer play together as actors, -so, we really saw each other almost day and night. In so long time we had time to share our lives together, learn about our families and love stories and problems. We became friends. Close friends. I could never have imagined to get so much out of our worktime. She was there when I started studies for a new profession. She was there when I wondered if I am totally crazy inviting a Belgian boy to my house for 2 weeks when I had not even met him before, only talked on PlayStation and seen some photos of him on Facebook. She was with me in the summer play, with long practicing days. She was there to push me trough to have my 23rd birthday party with friends and with an amazing theme of Disney! She has been there to talk about everything during coffee breaks at school and even helped me to survive my few weeks in summer of scanning office papers and fighting with the copy machine.

We learned to live so close, share almost everything. I haven’t had that type of friends much in my life. Then she graduated from her evening school and got a spot from a school in Tampere. I was so happy for her, but it felt like an ending for something big. Well, we both did not want it to end. So, I had to figure something to keep her still in my life and made her my Made of Honor.

Well I didn´t ask her to be my Made of Honor, just to force her to keep in contact with me, but I do think it is a nice little safe rope –so to say.

(IMAGE: At the end of her last work day, we went to eat and tried hard not to cry!)​​

So, soon has been a year since she moved to Tampere. Last fall I still had school and I was finishing my

studies and portfolio, so not seeing her so much was quite ok. And I did have zombie birthday party where she did come and little board game evening where we played old Harry Potter quiz and Disney Quiz, and another time that I planned as a surprise little Christmas with the board games and some wine and cheese.

(IMAGE: My 25 birthday and graduation party as zombies (and a Batman?))

(IMAGE: Board game evening with Made of Honor and an assistant)

This spring has been more difficult. I have had problems with one of my other assistants who also has now been 3 years as an assistant and was like a friend to me also. I am feeling trapped in my house with assistants with whom I don´t know how to talk or behave anymore. I feel I cannot just stay at my home easily or talk about the wedding to many people, since some might be jealous or something and some just don´t care. I have been missing my dear friend a lot in these past few months, missing the chance to talk with her every day about the previous day. She is so great at making me see light at the end of the tunnel. She can make me see the good things and laugh about it. Or curse people to the end of the world and bring that smile back.

So, Monday was a great day, since I got to see her. We went to see a movie, Cinderella. It was really so great chick movie! It was in the biggest movie theater in Jyväskylä and there was only two other girls watching becides us. We spend the whole advertisement time to try to tell already almost all that had happened since we had last seen. With her, it is so easy to be myself and tell just anything that has been going thru my mind. And I feel she has the same. Of course, we stopped chatting when the movie started: You don´t talk during a princess movie!

(IMAGE: My dad stopped by and could take a picture of us <3 )

After the movie we went to eat at Rosso and talked for a lot more. It was nice to have a chance to tell with time more about the weddings, show her what I had been up to and plan a visit to a wedding dress shop in Tampere. And I got to hear about her studies and life with her boyfriend. I can´t wait for summer, since hopefully then she will be staying in Jyväskylä where her boyfriend also is and maybe we can see again abit more. I might actually “need” another summer assistant, since one is leaving end of this month...

All in all: I feel stupid for not telling all this to her face to face, but I hope she gets the point, that I really miss her around here and am so happy to have her as my Made of Honor!

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