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Lot to plan and deside


This is for me to help get my mind abit open and understand what I really am thinking. Faq is kinda like to-do list. What do I know yet and what not. What to think of how to make desissions. I hope it helps me.


Where shall we have the Wedding?


We will have the wedding in Finland, Jyväskylä. Place called Villa Jääskelä. It is an old farmhouse that has been renoved. More info and a link to the place you can find from the top menu: Location.


When will we have it?


So far we know, that its in the summer of 2016. possibly in the 7th month, since then the summer holidayes start in Belgium schools. Also I think it is the most wanted time for wedding, so we had to book the spot quite fast.


Who do we invite?


I am not a big fan of inviting all my relatives. Then J wants to invite all his relatives from ants and cousins since it is just how it works in Belgium. So problem is how late will we actually know the real head count? We have right now max 80 heads. So here we have a love triangle: how many people + menu price + location=Wedding. I think that is also the biggest part of the budget. So next question...


What is our budjet?


What am I and what is J ready to put money on this project/ day? How much do we dare/ want to ask sponsor from our families? To figure budget I felt we needed to know what do we really need and what do they usually cost. We did an excel budget and right now it looks to be around 6 000 - 9 000 a lot depending on how many people we will have and if we will help in the transportation costs and how much changes do we make in the original menu.


Wedding Dress and grooms clothing?


I have one big dilemma that is not in a way so big problem and same time is one of the biggest things. The clothes! I want to look pretty ofcourse and I do want to look like a bride, so there has to be white, but I feel all white dresses are boring. White is not my colour. Also I happen to sit in a wheelchair, so not just any dress works for me. So I most likely have to get the dress made. Then an other question: does the groom also need clothes? o.O Yes, ofcourse, but maybe we could just bye a nce west and tie, since mr J already has two black suite. But If my dress will be much different from basic whie wedding dress, witch I have a feeling it will be, than I think mr J should also have to have some more different/ special clothing. Maybe rent something for him..?



The helpers?


Title was getting too long, so meaning Maid of Honor, Bridesmaid and Bestman and Grooms man. I have already choosen my maid of Honor, dear friend Riikka. But I do think I should figure some point someone else also. And I know mr J has not yet choosen anyone. For me it would really be nice to figure the Brides maid too, so then I could really start counting on that there are atleast two people helping me with this wedding and also mr J.

What languages to speak?


For me and mr J it is natural to speak in english, but not all my friends and family speak and understand english that well same goes with mr J´s side. So we have to remember to think about this and maybe consider even a possibility to have a translator of somekind...

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