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Look in to my mind

Over a week has gone since I last wrote a blog. I have a problem. I do have a lot I would like to tell, but at the same time, I don´t want to tell everything. So, in this blog I will tell some bits, but hopefully not too much.

First of all. Our budget has grown, since my parents decided to sponsor our wedding. Since I don´t feel comfortable talking about money that much (finnish thing?) I will just say, that it will give us a lot more room to do with our wedding. Thing is, do we really want to spend so much money on one day? My mum said, that she would rather have us having a wonderful day to remember than save in everything. I get it. I am jumping in my opinion from day to day basis.

Thing is. Before our sponsors, we were definitely leaving a live band off, since they cost around 600 - 1 000 euros for 2 x 45 min. We had settled for just using Spotify for our musical part of the evening. Now with the extra money, we could take a band. Then again, we could just calculate the extra money as part of our original budget and save our own money we had prepared to put in. This option feels like not really taking the sponsors the way it was intended, that is, to have some more extra.

What would you do? Save a bit of your own money and use the sponsor money instead or use the money to get thing to the wedding that you otherwise would have cut down, like It was kinda intended?

Talking about bands…

I have send 3 inquiries to 3 different type of bands. Most professional one, I feel, is Elias Kahila Band from Jyväskylä. I saw them perform at Suomen Häämessut –wedding expo and I really loved their different style of music. Elias is playing a cello and the two other band members play drums and guitar. It is really interesting instrumental band.

Second band I asked is a classmate’s band Herra Virtanen & Kuolemansynti. They have done some band performances and their music is more traditional wedding music –slow music with acoustic instruments and singing.

Third one I asked is a friend of mine who has a starting band Three Lights. Their music is again bit different. I actually have heard only one song so far, but I know they have 6 own songs so far and I think they are a promising band.

And I don´t know yet what to decide. Third one has not yet given an answer for the cost but the two others are 100 euro difference. I would think if the difference is only 100 I would more likely go for the Elias Kahila, since their band seems more interesting to me. I would think also our guests would consider it at least interesting if not also amazing, like I think!

Or maybe something cheaper and still interesting will come to my attention. In a way it would be cool to have a stand-up comedian or impro show etc, but I fear the language might become a barrier. Who knows, we will see when something gets decided.

Sweet thoughts

I have hardly thought about the food yet. Even less I have thought about the cake. I am not a sweet tooth and if it were up to me, I would just forget the whole cake and have popcorn and chips instead. BUT, wedding without a wedding cake.. is that even a wedding? And, mostly people do like sweet things –cake included. I have been thinking to maybe leave this to handle for people, who know more about these things, like my fiancé and maybe made of honor, since they do love sweet!

Still I do have few thoughts of my own. I definitely do not want a basic cream covered strawberry cake. I think basic cakes are dry and tasteless. I would hope for something fresh taste, but also not like a jelly apple cake or something. I think my own favorite would go to a cheesecake, sweet and has always taste and no way is it dry. The taste, I cannot say. I really don´t know much about cakes.

Sometimes I see us having a classical many levels high cake, but I believe it is more practical to have smaller cakes on some holders. That would hopefully also be cheaper. Still a girl can dream and change her mind (until a decision has been made..). One thing I am sure, something gamer style will be involved with the cake. Maybe with the shape of the cake the decoration of the cake or its surroundings or the cake toppers.

Gaming in the decoration

I have been doing some handwork again to try on an idea of creating some game characters. I don´t know yet if we will even use the creations in the wedding or not, but It is also a nice way to figure something to do during the days. It is actually simple to do even while watching a tv-series or movie. So far I have created 4 characters and now I feel I might need more colors to be able to do more characters. Here is one image of the first one I made, YODA of course!

It is made of colored lamb wool with special needle to get the texture correct. Sometimes people also use special soap and water to make thing out of the wool. For now I am sticking with just the needle. I even did cut out one pocket from old jeans of Joery to make pants for another character. I might post more about them later, or I might not. It would be kinda nice to leave them as a surprise element for the wedding!

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